Part 71: Lara's Autumn Date (Update 51)

LARA: Oh my... You are rather early. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting..
Lara arrives at 11:05 AM, probably the earliest of all the bachelorettes.
Most notable is the response if we had arrived exactly on time:
Bush looks at his watch posted:
LARA: Right on the dot. I had no idea you were so punctual. It's a good quality in a man...
That might be the most forward of any of the girls, wow.

*Bush and Lara approach the bridge of Lake Poli.*

LARA: I heard the leaves on the trees by the lake are turning beautiful shades of gold. Shall we go see?

*We then get a few different angles as they cross the bridge, stopping in the center to look out upon the lake and the forest beyond.*

LARA: Oh, my word... I never imagined the colors would be this vibrant...

BUSH: Yeah... It sure is something...

*And some more angles of the view follow...*

LARA: Thank you very much for today. The leaves were amazing.

BUSH: The colors were very pretty. I'm glad we were able to do this together.

LARA: It would be nice if we could do something like this again.

LARA: Bush, thank you for inviting me out today.
*She does a small bow.*

LARA: Please, feel free to invite me again.

BUSH: Of course!

(No lunch because she's not at near max LP.